Saturday, 17 October 2015

Highlights of First GBM of JSERWA held on 09/10/2015

·     Proceedings started at 1930 hrs
·     President, JSERWA welcomed all the members
·     The elected executed committee members have taken Oath, as per the bylaw.
·     Secretary-JSERWA has presented the financial report and activities of ad-hoc committee which was formed on 25/04/2015.
The highlights of the report are:
1.     Bylaw formulated and made ready for registration
2.     The payment of BMTC has been made RTGS mode.
3.  MPH booking streamlined, financial transaction was carried out only through Cheques. A total of 05 MPH booking was there.
4.     An Art and Craft exhibition conducted on 15th August 2015 for residents.
5.     Financial Status of JASRWA: Closing Bank Balance when ad-hoc committee completed the tenure is 4.3 time greater compared to opening bank balance when ad-hoc committee taken over in May 2015.
·   The GBM has approved the financial report and appreciated the activities of ad-hoc committee.
·  Further, Secretary-JSERWA has briefed about the Election for JSERWA EC, introduced all EC members and highlighted the activities of JSERWA from 23/08/2015.
Following are the highlights
1.     Registration of JSERWA as per Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960
2.     New Current accounts opened and most of the payments made in online mode only.
3.     School SB account closed and merged with new current account, with separate accounting for JSERWA fund and School funds.
4.     New School building approved for the colony
5.     Meeting conducted with CMD, where issues related to colony premises discussed
·     The GBM appreciated the activities of newly elected executive committee.
·   Convener Welfare and Cultural has briefed about Waste Management activity planned and informed about segregation of waste at the source. He told that Dry waste collection plan from ITC under WOW (Wellness Out of Waste) program. It was also informed that a compost plant will be active in the campus soon, and all the wet waste need to be handed over compulsorily for this plant. The members presented have clarified their doubts during this discussion.
·  Treasurer presented the interim budget for the FY 2015-16. Highlights of budget proposal are procurement of Table Tennis, Badminton Nets, CCTV, Public Addressing System. GBM approved the budget proposal.
·     GBM has approved the proposal of revival of Library facility at the colony.
·     As per bylaw, the charges for MPH booking discussed.
·    Convener Transport has briefed about transport committee activities. He also informed the members that, new current account has been opened and all the necessary action will be taken to streamline transport related issues.
·    Convener-School informed the members about School fees, GBM approved the same.
·     No bills shall be pasted on the walls of the building. Members suggested that, if any bills have been pasted by anybody, JSERWA shall collect a fine of ` 500 and the same has been approved by GBM.
·  After the completion of meeting agenda, JSERWA members have actively participated in the discussion. Following are the glimpses of discussion:
·     Many residents have not joined the association and it is suggested that a drive may be conducted to include them into the stream. In the mean while subscription fee related matter has been discussed and GBM approved to continue with the present subscription amount of ` 200.
·   Lights to be arranged facing HMT Watch factory Road, HMT School joining road from the premise, since there are no streat lights in these roads. Members asked about the arrangement of functions namely, Independence Day, Republic day and Karnataka Rajyotsava in the colony. It will be effective only after necessary amendment to bylaw.
·     It is suggested to procure sound system and chairs for association so that they need not be borrowed on rent in future for activities organized by JSERWA. It is approved to go ahead with these procurements.
·     Outsiders will not be entertained for the training activities.

·     Vice President presented vote of thanks.

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