Saturday, 20 August 2016

An event to collect scrap

An event has been planned near the main gate of the colony to collect the scrap items.  

Residents may make use of this opportunity to bring structured way for recycling and build a better environment.

M/s Olopie Trading Pvt Ltd will be visiting our colony on 21/08/2016, Sunday to collect the scrap items. They will buy all kinds of electrical and electronic items, news paper, carton box, iron, aluminium, steel etc.

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Independence Day Celebrations-2016

On the occasion of Independence Day Celebrations following program has been planned by JSERWA.

Flag Hoisting by President, JSERWA
Date: 15/08/2016
Time: 08.00 AM
Venue: In front of the MPH.

All are requested to participate.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

JSERWA Blog available over HTTPS connection

Now JSERWA Blog is available over HTTPS, an encrypted connection.

JSERWA Approved Training Activites

JSERWA Executive Committee has reviewed the applications received for conducting the training classes at Multi Purpose Hall/ within the colony premises and approved the following activities. The residents of the colony are hereby informed to take the advantage of the training programs: 

·     The fees need to be paid to the respective trainers directly. JSERWA will not collect any fees from anybody to facilitate the activities.
·     The activity is only for the residents of the colony and outsiders are not allowed.

AWBI Circular- Pet Dogs and Street Dogs

The extra ordinary GBM has taken decision to improve the understanding on the AWBI guidelines on Pet Dogs and Street Dogs among all residents of the colony.

Pet Dogs and Street Dogs Circular from Animal Welfare Board of India is available here.

All residents to co-operate and follow the guidelines issued by AWBI.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

An Extra Ordinary/special meeting General Body

Dear Residents,

Recent developments in the colony have created safety issues among the residents. In order to discuss the concerns raised by the home makers, children and elderly residents an extra ordinary/ special meeting of general body has been scheduled on 20/07/2016 at MPH based the decisions of JSERWA EC.

All the members are requested to attend without fail.

Date: 20/07/2016 (Wednesday) 
Time: 07.00 PM
Venue: MPH


Thursday, 26 May 2016

1st AGBM on 27/05/206

The first AGBM of JSERWA is scheduled to be conducted on 27/05/2016 at 7.30 pm in the Multi Purpose Hall.

1.     Presentation of annual report from 23rd Aug 2015 to 31st March 2016.
2.     Presentation of income and expenditure status for JSERWA, JSERWA School and JSERWA Transport.
3.     Discussion amendments to bylaw
4.     Discussion on revision of subscription fee.
5.     Discussion on the inputs from residents.
6.     Budget proposal for the financial year 20116-17.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

An appeal to residents of the colony

The association requests all the residents to carry a identity card (preferably CHSS card, or any other proof of residence) along with them during the Entry of the colony the premises and Exit from the colony. All the visitors have to report to the security and make necessary Entry in the register. 

CCTV surveillance

The colony has now additional security feature. The CCTV cameras have been installed at prime location of the colony and all the residents are advised to follow the security guidelines.

JSERWA Vehicle Pass

JSERWA Vehicle Pass Distribution

Date: 29 Feb 2016 to 04 March 2016

Time: 5 PM to 8 PM. 

All are requested to obtain the Passes at the earliest.

Join JSERWA and be a part of system…

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

JSERWA Vehicle Pass

In order to strengthen the security the Department has instructed to issue Vehicle Passes to the members of JSERWA. 

1.     Only members of JSERWA will be issued JSERWA Vehicle passes free of cost.  
2.     Vehicles which do not carry the JSERWA Vehicle pass will be stopped at the gate and details need to be entered in the register maintained at the security post.
3.     As per the guidelines of Department, security checks are mandatory for the vehicle which does not carry JSERWA Vehicle Pass.

4.     Application shall be handed over to JSERWA offices during 3 PM to 7 PM on Wednesday to Monday.

A format has been prepared and added here. 

All the members need to fill the form and handover to JSERWA office by 26/02/2016.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

EC Meeting No 09 on 22/02/2016

The 9th meeting of JSERWA EC is scheduled on 22/02/2016 (Monday) at JSERWA office from 1900 hrs.

1. Discussion on activities related to school.
2. Discussion on Security related matter and vehicle passes.
3. Discussion on facility up-gradation at MPH.

JSERWA School Annual Day

JSERWA School Annual Day has been celebrated on 14/02/2016 at Multi Purpose Hall of the colony. Residents of the colony actively participated and glimpses of the function uploaded here.

Fancy Dress Competition Group Photos

Prize Distribution and Cultural Programs

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Republic Day Celebrations-2016

On the occasion of Republic Day Celebrations following programs have been planned by JSERWA.

·     Flag Hoisting by President, JSERWA
     Date: 26/01/2016
     Time: 08.00 AM
     Venue: In front of the MPH.

·     A Quiz Competition for Colony Children
     Date: 26/01/2016
     Time: 05.00 PM
     Venue: MPH
     Age Group: 10-16 years

Those who wish to participate in the quiz competition may register their names by sending an e-mail to

All are requested to participate.

An appeal to Residents of the Colony

 ·     Keep the colony premises clean

·     Segregate the waste at the source

·     Don’t throw the waste near the buildings

·     Dispose the wastes only

 -by handing over to the persons coming for collection
 -at the places identified by CMD if not able to handover to the collecting person.

It is our colony; it is our responsibility

Friday, 15 January 2016

Reading Room Facility Resumed

Reading Room Facility has been resumed recently at the first floor of MPH. At present News papers will be available in the reading room. Depending on the response from the JSERWA members, the library facility will be upgraded.

The reading room will be open on all the days except Tuesday from 3PM to 7PM.


JSERWA wish to receive the books by donation from the residents. Those who are interested to donate the book may contact JSERWA on Sunday between 3PM to 6PM.

Table Tennis facility at MPH

Table Tennis has been procured recently and it is available for JSERWA members at MPH. The JSERWA members may use the facility by signing in the register kept at the Security Post.